Dr. LISNIC VITALIE – Ph.D., Doctor Habilitat Științe Medicale, University Professor of Neurology Department, President of Moldavian Society of Neurology, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery ”D. Gherman”, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. GAVRILIUC MIHAIL – Ph.D, Doctor Habilitat Științe Medicale, University Professor, Chief of Neurology Department, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery ”D. Gherman”, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. BODIU AUREL – Ph.D., Doctor Habilitat Științe Medicale, University Professor, Chief of Neurosurgery Department, Republican Clinical Hospital ”T. Moșneaga”, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. BELÎI ADRIAN – Ph.D., Doctor Habilitat Științe Medicale, University Professor, Master in Public Health, Institute of Emergency Medicine, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. PULBERE OLEG – Ph.D., Doctor Științe Medicale, University Associated Professor Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. POLYACOVA TATYANA – Ph.D., Doctor Habilitat of Pedagogical Sciences, University Professor, Academician of the Belarusian Academy of Engineering, corresponding member of International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, author of over 400 publications. Research Interests Problems of sports of the highest achievements, physical rehabilitation and occupational therapy, One of the founders of the specialty “Physical rehabilitation and occupational therapy”, Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk (Belarusia)
Dr. MELENTIEV IURIE – Ph.D., Chief of Spinal Surgery Department, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery ”D. Gherman”, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. OREST BOLBOCEAN – Dr. Neurologist, , Manual Therapist, P-DTR specialist, Chief of Medical Rehabilitation Clinic ”Empatio”, Iasi (România)
Dr. SCHIRYANOV DENIS – Ph.D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent University, The Decan of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the State University ”P.M. Mesherova” from Vitebsk, / specialization Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Medical and Adaptive Physical Education, Vitebsk (Belarusia)
Dr. CUCIERU VALERIU – Drd., Doctor Oncologist - Mammologist, Institute of Oncology, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. TIMUS MARIA – Ph.D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Languages Redactor of ”Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine”, University Lector, State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chișinău (Moldova)
Dr. STELA DIMITRAȘ – Dr. Neurologist, State Chancellery Polyclinic , Member of the European Society of Neurologists, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. KIRDOGLO GLEB – Dr. Orthopedist-Traumatologist of the Highest Category, Applied Kinesiologist, Doctor Științe Medicale, Chief Physician of the Center for Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation "Higher League" (Odessa, Ukraine), President of the Ukrainian Association of Applied Kinesiology and Medical Rehabilitation ( У.А.П.К. ), Odessa (Ukraine)
Dr. DANU ADRIAN – Dr. Neurosurgeon, Specialist in Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. Head of the Neurosurgery Department at Medpark International Hospital. Licensed Physician from Great Britain and Spain. Member of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Moldova (AMN), Member of the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS), Member of the European Association of Neurological Societies (EANS), Member of the British Society of Neurosurgeons (SBNS). Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. PLESCAN TATIANA – Drd., University Lector, Medical Imagist - Radiologist, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery ”D. Gherman”, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. DOROSHENCO STANISLAV – Dr. Neurosurgeon, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery ”D. Gherman”, Chisinau (Moldova)
PhT. NECHIFOR ELENA – Principal Physiotherapist in the Clinical Rehabilitation Hospital Iasi, Neurology Clinic., President of the College of Physiotherapists Iași – Vaslui, President of the Professional Association of Physiotherapists ”KinetikProf” Iași (Romania)
PhT. STRUGARIU CEZAR – Drd., Physiotherapist CSEI ”St. Andrei”, Editor – in – Chief ”Journal of International Symposium of Physiotherapy”, Founder and Organizer of ”International Symposium of Physiotherapy„ Gura – Humorului (Romania)
Dr. DANAIL SERGHEI – Ph.D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, University Professor, Member of the editorial board ”Revista Româna de Kinetoterapie”, ”T. Schevchenko” Tiraspol University, State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chisinau (Moldova)
Dr. ZAGORODNIUC GHEORGHE – Rehabilitation Doctor, Manual Therapist, Chief of the Center of Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation "Biomeddiagnostic" Chisinau, Chisinau (Moldova)
PhT. ONOICO EMILIAN – Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist, Chief of the Center of Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation "Scoala Spatelui" Chisinau, Chisinau (Moldova)
PhT. FRIMU MIHAELA – Physiotherapist, Manual Therapist, Center of Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation "Rehab – Medkinetica" Chisinau, Chisinau (Republic of Moldova)