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Professional Association of Physiotherapists and Manual Therapists
Republic of Moldova, Chisinau.

Editorial Office Address:
Republic of Moldova, Mun. Chișinău, str. Valea Trandafirilor 18, of.287.
A.O. A.P.K.T.M. ”MEDKINETICA”. Phone: (+373) 60508858, e-mail:
Facebook: /medkinetica
F: / Potapenco Roman / Editor – in - Chief.

Instructions for Authors
Criteria for publication
Original articles should contain new (original) results, or views, which bring new knowledge în the field. The submitted manuscripts should contain data unpublished before and not submitted în parallel for publication to another journal.
Manuscript submission
Manuscripts must be submitted only in electronic form, in English(main) and/or Romanian/ Russian (author choice). In 2 languages.
In accordance with international guidelines of the Publications Committee of Ethics (COPE Guidelines), if the manuscript contains pictures (photographs, radiograms, laboratory results, results of laboratory investigations, videos or sound etc.) which allows physical identification of the person, it must be obtained a written permission for the use of the image data. It is recommended to submit the permission along with the manuscript. Also în the manuscript text should be clearly stated that permission was obtained.
Files format
The following file formats for manuscript text are accepted: Microsoft Word (97, 2003, 2007, 2010) “.rtf”, “.doc”, “.docx”. Pictures should be submitted în one of the following formats: “.jpeg”, “. tiff”, “.eps “, “.ppt”, , “.pptx”. The images could be transmitted also, in a format item “.ppt” or “.pptx” (one image – one slide). ,,.docx“. Se acceptă următoarele formate pentru imagini: ,,.jpeg“, ,,.tiff“, ,,.eps“, ,,.ppt“. ,,.pptx“. Este posibil ca imaginile articolului să fie transmise în format ,,.ppt“ sau ,,.pptx“ (o imagine – un slide). Calitatea imaginilor, indiferent de format, trebuie să fie, minim: pentru desene – 800 dpi, pentru imagini cu detalii fine – 1000 dpi, pentru imagini alb-negru – de 300 dpi.
Scanning, resolution should be as follows: drawings – at least 800 dpi, fine line images – 1000 dpi and greyscale images – at least 300 dpi.

Structure of the manuscript

Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine follows STROBE recommendations for reporting observational biomedical research
studies. To facilitate the development of the manuscript, please consult this information available online at
The volume of the manuscript text should not exceed 6000 words.

Structure of original article must comply with the following sequence:
· Full title (according to the STROBE guidelines)
· Full authors’ name
· Authors’ affiliations
· Contact details of corresponding author Short title (to be used as a running head on the journal)
· Article highlights:

o Question. Importance of the issue addressed în the submitted manuscript (described în 1-3 sentences)
o The research hypothesis (described în 1-2 sentences) and/or The novelty added by manuscript to the already published scientific literature (limited to 1-3 sentences).

· Abstract (consisting of background, materials and methods, results and conclusions), to not exceed 350 words.
· Keywords
· Introduction
· Materials and methods
· Results
· Discussions
· Conclusions
· List of abbreviations used (if applicable)
· Declaration of conflict of interests
· Authors’ contributions

The cover page of the manuscript should include:
§ Title of the manuscript: written according to the STROBE guidelines, should be concise, relevant to the content of the manuscript, and reflect the study design. The title length should not exceed 25 words. It is not allowed the presence of abbreviations în the title.
§ Short title: (to be used as a running title) is a short version of the essential of the full title. Short title will be limited to 40 characters, including spaces.
§ Author(s) name: Authors list must include only those persons who had a substantial contribution to the work. Examples of essential contribution to the work are: developing of the study design, patients recruitment, participation în data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, writing of the manuscript, performing of the tests, pictures taking, drawing conclusions. The authors list should not exceed 10 persons. If the research group exceed 10 individual authors, în the “Authors name” section first two will be cited, all others should be mentioned at the end of the article, în the “Acknowledgements and funding” section.
Members of the research group who do not meet the formal criteria of the authorship, but have had some contribution to the paper, may be mentioned în the “Acknowledgements and funding” section.

Note: To differentiate the corresponding author, as well as authors who have an equal contribution to the work, using special characters as a superscript index at the end of their names is recommended:
(*) – Corresponding author; (†) – Authors with equal contribution. (e.g. Potapenco Roman *, Potapenco Roman †)

§ Affiliation: Please state the full name of institution, city and country to which the author(s) is affiliated. Affiliation should be marked with Arabic numerals în superscript after the author(s) name (e.g. Potapenco Roman1)

§ Article highlights:
¡ Importance of the issue addressed în the submitted manuscript (described în 1-3 sentences)
¡ The research hypothesis (described în 1-2 sentences) and/or the novelty added by manuscript to the already published scientific literature (limited to 1-3 sentences).

From new page:
The abstract should be written using the past tense, third person. It should provide a concise summary of the purpose, objectives, significant results and conclusions of the study. The summary text should not exceed 350 words organized into the following sections:
§ Introduction – reflect în short the context and purpose of the study;
§ Material and methods – describe how the study was conducted and specify the applied statistics;
§ Results – present the key results of the study;
§ Conclusions – a brief overview of the findings, with possible implications for further studies.
Do not use abbreviations or citations în the abstract of the article.

Key words
List 4-10 keywords that are representative for the contents of the article. To facilitate finding of your article by search engines of electronic databases, use MESH keywords list (available on http://nlm.
From new page:
The Introduction section should be written using past tense, third person, and should:
§ provide information that would allow readers outside of the field to enter the context of the study, to understand its meaning;
§ define the problem addressed and explain why it is important;
§ include a brief review of recent literature în the field;
§ mention any controversy or disagreement existing în the field;
§ formulate research hypothesis and present the main and secondary assessed outcomes;
§ conclude with the research’ propose and a short comment whether the purpose has been achieved.
Material and methods
“Materials and methods” section should present în sufficient details all carried out procedures. Here should be described protocols and supporting information on the used methods. It will include study design, subjects’ recruitment procedure, clear description of all interventions and comparisons and applied statistics. în the manuscript text the generic names of drugs should be used. When drug brands are used their trade name will be shown în parentheses. For studies on humans or animals a statement about ethical approval and informed consent of study subjects should be include. Please specify date and number of Ethics Committee (EC) decision, chair of the EC as well as institution within EC is organized.
Results and discussion should be presented în separate sections. Authors must present results în a clear and accurate manner. Results should be explained (not justified or compared în this section) and include fundamental statements related to hypothesis behind the study. The results should be presented concisely and logically, emphasizing on new original data.

Describe the impact, relevance and significance of the obtained results for the field. The results are compared with those from previous publications and draw potential future research directions. Discussions should include important interpretations of the findings and results compared with previous studies. Also, study limitations and potential bias should be mentioned.
This section should conclude laconically entire study, and highlight the added-value brought on the studied issue. The conclusions should not provide new information or double (repeat) those presented în the “Results” section.
Use only standard abbreviations. Other abbreviations may be defined and provided when are used for the first time în the manuscript. Abbreviations în the figures and tables will be explained în legend. Abbreviations should be used as rare as possible.
Declaration of conflict of interests
Following publication, persons or organizations involved în the study become public and thus their reputation may be influenced.
Therefore, authors must disclose financial and non-financial relationship with people or organizations and to declare conflicts of interest related to the data presented în the manuscript. în accordance with the ICMJE guidelines, authors must fulfill a statement of conflicts of interest, which will be published at the end of the article.
Complementing the declaration of conflicts of interest the following will be taken into consideration

For financial conflicts of interest
ü specify whether any organization has financial relationship with research presented în the manuscript, including funding, salary, reimbursements;
ü mentioned, if the article has any impact on the eventually involved organization and could generate losses or profits after publication, now or în the future;
ü authors must indicate if they have shares ownership în any organization that may incur losses or take profits after publication, now or în the future. Also, you should specify whether the author (s) own (s) or apply to any property rights (patent) on the content used în the manuscript;
ü indicate if there are any other conflicts of interest.
For non-financial conflicts of interest
ü Please specify any non-financial conflicts of interest: political individual, religious, ideological, educational, rational, commercial etc. related to manuscript.
Authors’ contributions
This section of the manuscript is to specify the input and involvement of each author.
Each author must have an individual contribution to the research, manuscript preparation and work publication. An author should contribute substantially to one of the following: the concept and design of the work, performing of the experimental procedures, data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation and validation of results.
v According to the International
Committee of Medical Journals Editors, ICMJE (, as author may be a person who fit all four of following criteria:
1. has made a substantial personal contribution în desi-gning, developing research protocol, or collected, analyzed and interpreted data;
2. developed or reviewed critically the manuscript bringing a significant intellectual contribution;
3. approved the final version of the manuscript ready for publication;
4. agrees to be responsible for all aspects of the conducted research and submitted manuscript and to assure that all questions relating to accuracy or completeness of the work was adequately assessed and resolved.

Note: Persons who have contributed to the work, but not fit the four criteria mentioned above cannot be considered as authors.
Their contribution will be mentioned în the “Acknowledgment and funding section” of the manuscript. Also, people who have only been involved în data collection, monitoring, technical assistance and funding, are not eligible as coauthors, but they may be mentioned în the “Acknowledgements and funding” section. Mere position of head of unit, department or institution, on which the research was conducted, without fulfilling all four ICMJE criteria, doesn’t provide the right to be a coauthor of the work.
Acknowledgements and funding
People who contributed to the study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, manuscript preparation and editing, offered general or technical support, contributed with essential materials to the study, but do not meet ICMJE authorship criteria will not be considered as authors, but their contribution will be mentioned în section “Acknowledgements and funding”. Also în this section must be specified the sources of work funding. Mention of persons or institutions who have contributed to the work and manuscript can be made only after obtaining permission from each of them.
Content of each table should be double-spaced and placed on a separate page after the text of the manuscript. Tables numbering will be done using consecutive Arabic numerals în the order of their first citation în the text; it is should be written în bold, align to left and place above the table. Each table should have a concise title that will be written în bold (regular) under table number. Do not use bold within the table.
citări în text, scris cu caractere grase (bold).

Figures will be included în the main manuscript, and also submitted as separate files. The manuscript figures should be presented, each one on a separate page and should be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals în the order of their citation în the text. Figure numbering will be written abbreviated (Fig. 1), using bold fonts, left alignment, and placed under the figure. Each figure should have a laconic title that will be written using regular font and place în the right of the figure’s number.
Figures’ quality should assure the visibility of details. Pictures of persons potentially identified must be accompanied by written permission to use it. If a figure has been previously published, please cite the original source and submit the written permission to reproduce the figure from the copyright owner. Permission can be taken from both the author and the publisher, except the documents of public domain.
For figures, the following file formats are accepted:
¡ EPS (preferred format for diagrams)
¡ PowerPoint (figures should be of the size of a single slide)
The file title should include the figure number and an identifiable short title.
All references must be numbered consecutively, în square brackets [ ], în the order they are cited în the text. Reference citations should not appear în titles or subtitles. Each reference should have an individual number. Multiple citations within a single set of brackets must be separated by commas and spaces. If there is a sequence of three or more citations, they have to be given as a range (e.g. [1, 5-7, 28]).
Please avoid excessive use of references. If an automatic system of citation is used, reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission. Reference list should include all authors. Journals’ abbreviation must be în accordance with Index Medicus/MEDLINE. It may be cited only articles or abstracts that have been published and are available through public servers. Any abstracts or unpublished data or personal items should not be included în the reference list, but may be included în the text and cited accordingly, indicating the involved researchers. It is of manuscript authors’ responsibility to obtain the permission to refer to unpublished data.

References format
Authors are asked to provide at least one link for each citation (preferably PubMed).

Ø Journal article reference
Surname and initials of the author(s), separated by commas (regular). Title of article (regular). Abbreviated name of the journal (in italics), followed by the year, volume number: pages number (regular). Articles în press should be specified as “In press” (italic, bold), after the pages number. All the authors should be listed.

e.g.: “1. Potapenco Roman. Analisis of disorders of the lumbar spine, based on x-ray images, of pacients with back pain sindrome. Journ Physic Rehab Sports Med, 2019; 1: 51-57. “

Ø Book reference
Surname and initials of the author (s), separated by commas (regular). Title of chapter (regular) (cited page(s) number). In: Title of book. Details of the editor, publisher, place, year of publication.

e.g. “ 1. Potapenco R. Biomecanica. Lanțul cinematic deschis. Interacțiunea humerusului pe scapula (p. 56-59). In: Testarea si recuperarea fizica a umarului dureros. Editors: Potapenco R. Ed. Valinex, Chisinau, Republica Moldova, 2019”.
pacients with back pain sindrome. Journ Physic Rehab Sports Med, 2019; 1: 51-57. “

Pentru precizări şi informaţii suplimentare:
Drd. Potapenco Roman, KT, MT.
Redactor-şef tel: +373 60508858 e-mail: