Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine JPRSM
Issue nr. VI, 26 october, 2024
Greeting Letter from Professor Vitalie Lisnic, JPRSM 2024
Greeting Letter from Professor Mihail Gavriliuc, JPRSM 2024
Greeting Letter from Professor Oleg Pulbere , JPRSM 2024
Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. MELENTIEV IURIE 2024
Greeting Letter from Dr. Anatoly Gumeniuc , JPRSM 2024
Greeting Letter from Editor – in – Chief of the "Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine" - Potapenco Roman
Rehabilitation potential of patients with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES): a case report of rare severe atypical manifestation mimicking metastasis and literature review
Plescan, Tatiana
Bucataru, Olga
Bicos, Irina
Sonographic evolution in screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborns
Stati, Sivia
Identificarea sindromului Burnout prin tehnica petelor de cerneală Rorschach
Arnăut, Svetlana
Calancea, Veronica
Early intervention in ADHD for physical and psychosocial recovery through adaptive physical exercises
Nesteriuc, Anastasia
Effectiveness of combining kinesiotherapy and manual therapy in the recovery of patients suffering from headaches of unknown etiology
Arnaut, Ruslan
Conscious emotional release in the Burnout syndrome
Zonenstain, Iulian
Lower limb amputation: rehabilitation protocol - Report houses with the adjuvant of kinesiology tapingbellia® method. Case presentation.
Rosario, Bellia
Headache disorders: a systematic literature review of current understanding and management strategies
Mazareanu, Alexandru
Grigorov, Claudia
Pandea, Alin
Psychosocial and behavioral adaptation strategies in dialysis patients
Cecan, Diana
The use of Cryptografic Algorithms to protect personal data in medical information systems
Gumeniuc, Anatolie
The challenge of the current educational system - preventing and reducing stress and professional burnout of teachers
Gorea, Svetlana
The manager's role in promoting work-family balance
Botnariuc, Diana
Suvac, Valerii
Vicol, Crina
Bernaz, Leon
Raising awareness for the early recognition of Burnout
Moraru, Ina
Strategies for the prevention of Burnout syndrome in teachers
Grecu, Marina
Temporomandibular disorders and headache: a systematic review of the evidence and clinical implications
Mazareanu, Alexandru
Dicut, Andrada
Grigorov, Claudia
Pandea, Alin
Obesity and eating behavior of patients
Rusu, Evghenii
Thermoformable materials and custom orthoses
Jaba, Paul-Claudiu
Vîlcioiu, Daniel
Puiu, Miruna
Beedasy, Amit
Integration of nanoplasma technologies with kinesiotherapy: prospects for improving comprehensive health indicators in the treatment of spinal pain
Uzun, Rodion
Babanu, Rodion
Pogorlețki, Ala
Postoperative Myofibrotomy Orthotic treatment of the neuromuscular child
Dimitriu, Bogdan
The Potapenco Spine Therapy® (PST) approach in the physical recovery of patients with Lumbar Discopathy, using PRQ Questionnaire
Potapenco, Roman
Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Volume VI,2024. ( All Issue in pdf format )